All BeltCo belts have undergone the most stringent fire and anti-static testing to obtain the necessary certification and clients approvals. Each country has adoptes its own method of testing, BeltCo are familiar with all the worlds leading standars.
This test is designed to simulate the conditions of a fire in an underground gallery with ventilation. A sample of belt to be tested is placed on a supporting frame directly above a propane burner, the burner is ignited for a designated period of time consuming a specific quantity of propane.
The fire source is then removed and the belt must self-extinguish leaving an area of the belt totally undamaged. This test is a demonstration that the belt will not support combustion when the source of the flame is removed.
This test was developed to simulate a stalled belt where the drum continues to rotate against the sample belt and is to prove the propagation of fire will not result from the drum's generated frictional heat igniting it.
As an example, in the U.K. test, the drum temperature must not exceed 325 ºC before the belt sample breaks on the drum, in addition there must be no flame or glow at any time during the test or when the test is completed.
Small samples of the finished belts are prepared, some are left intact and on others the covers are removed to simulate wear on the belts.
These samples are held in a flame source for a certain period of time and once removed the samples must self extinguish. The time for the individual sample to extinguish is noted along with the collective time to conform to specification.